Els participants disposen d’un mapa on hi ha impresos tots els controls i el seu valor. No tots els controls valen els mateixos punts, això dependrà de la dificultat física i/o tècnica per trobar-los.
L'objectiu és gaudir de la muntanya en tota llibertat i a l'hora aconseguir la màxima puntuació possible passant pels controls que es pugui en un temps de 3 hores.
No hi ha recorreguts establerts, cada equip decideix l’ordre de pas pels controls.
Hi haurà 30 controls. Cada control es marca sobre el terreny amb una fita d’orientació que consisteix en una tela de tres requadres i forma triangular de 30 x 30 cm.
Aquest rogaine està dissenyat per ser una prova més de les que formen el raid multiaventura i a l'hora complir dos objectius més:
En primer lloc, permetre allargar la temporada a tots aquells corredors catalans que vulguin continuar practicant el seu esport en una prova de qualitat.
En segon lloc, oferir una prova propera a tots els corredors de muntanya de la zona que volen provar altres especialitats que ofereixen molta més llibertat que un simple recorregut ple de cintes.
Dirigiu-vos a la pestanya corresponent d'aquest blog.
Per dubtes o consultes dirigiu-vos a: josepmayolas@hotmail.com
Equips de 2 a 5 components.
Categories Rogaining popular 3 hores.
HS,DS,XS: Categories úniques. Homes, dones i mixta. Categoria oberta d’edat.
Possibilitat de córrer en solitari, però fora de classificació.
Possibilitat de córrer en solitari, però fora de classificació.
Reglament oficial de Rogainig de la FCOC.
Reglamento Liga Española IbeRogaine.
Dissabte 19 de novembre.
09:00 Obertura del centre de competició a la zona esportiva de Orrius.
09:30 Obertura del parc tancat, entrega de mapes.
10:00 Sortida de la prova de rogaine.
13:00 Arribada sense penalització corredors de la popular.
13:30 Entrega de premis..
13:30 Entrega de premis..
El lloc de SORTIDA I ARRIBADA serà la zona esportiva d'Òrrius.
Accessos: Per la C-60 que uneix Mataró amb Granollers, prendre qualsevol de els dues sortides d'Argentona. Després d'un curtíssim tram per la C-1415c. Agafarem la BV-5106 que en 5 quilometres ens porta al poble d'Òrrius.
Aparcament: Senyalitzat. A la zona d'aparcament municipal i als carrers del voltant.
Avituallament líquid i sòlid: al final de cursa.
Monitoratge i assessorament tècnic: Durant els 30' de planificació pels equips que ho sol.licitin.
Classes:HS,DS,XS will be the only categories (men, women and mixed), open classes with no age limits.There's the possibility of running solo, but out of competition.
RULESOfficial IbeRogaine League and FCOC rogaining rules will be applied.
Saturday november 19th 09:00 Opening of the competition center at the Òrrius sports area.09:30 Opening of the closed park. Maps will be given.10:00 Start of the rogaining competition.13:00 Time limit (finish without penalty)13:30 Prize giving ceremony
How to arrive
By car:
Option 1: Take the C-32 highway, and then take C-60 towards Granollers.
Option 2: Take the AP-7 highway, and then take C-60 towards Mataró.
In both options, leave the highway at 4th exit, which is labeled “Òrrius – Dosrius - Argentona nord”. Follow the C-1415c road towards Argentona. Before arriving to Argentona, turn right to take then take the BV-5106 road to Òrrius.
By air: Òrrius is only 55 km. from Barcelona airport and less than 70 km. from Girona airport.
The Serralada Litoral range presents a magnificent terrain for rogaining and is close to the sea. The substrate of sand, with an altitude that goes from 80 to 500 metres, is covered mostly by pine and evergreen oak forests with different levels of penetrability and moderate slopes.
It has an extensive network of paths and trails and a multitude of details that prove human presence from immemorial time; Iberian villages, caves, monuments, mansions and abandoned farms, castles, chapels, walls, mines, etc. The whole mountain is dotted with large granite blocks that proliferate in some areas of the forest, giving it shape of maze, where block-climbing has found a paradise.
Made in 2011 and 2012.
Extended and updated for the event on 2015-2016 winter.
Many details, many more than are common in a map Rogaining.
The map does not show the different penetrability of the vegetation.
Scale 1: 15,000
Equidistance between contour lines: 10 meters.
A3 printing.
Description of controls will be printed on the map.
Field work and drawing the map has been made by Pep Mayolas and reviewed by Eduard Garcia. It is currently being extended up to 80 km², so that a 24 hour event can take place on it. The most important part of the extension will be released on December 3rd, 2017 rogaining competition.
30 controls on 3 hour competition.
Set according to international standards. The winners will get most of the controls, but not all of them.
The complex course will require a good management of the slopes. A good race strategy will be needed in order to optimize the areas to visit and decide which controls to leave in each area based on the technical and physical skills of the competitors.
The race is designed so that all the new or inexperienced competitors can also enjoy rogaining. Besides, the event will keep the highest requirement levels for usual runners.
Sportident system will be uses for the event timing. All competitors must have the chip tied to the wrist throughout the race with a seal that will be provided by the organization. If a participant breaks the seal, the whole team will be disqualified. The seal only can be removed by the organizers at the finish. Each team member must have their own Sportident chip and all members of a each must validate each control with a maximum difference of a minute between them.
In order to encourage participation, the organization will rent free 20-memory Sportident cards.
Per runner:
Backpack or similar.
Water ( at least 1 l).
Race and emergency food.
Sportident card
Per team:
First aid kit.
Mobile phone.
Realitzat durant 2011 i 2012.
Ampliat i revisat per a la prova hivern 2015-2016
Ampliat i revisat per a la prova hivern 2015-2016
Moltíssims detalls, molts més dels que són habituals en una mapa de rogaining.
El mapa no marca els diferents graus de penetrabilitat de la vegetació.
Escala 1:15.000
Equidistància entre corbes de nivell: 10 metres .
Impressió en A3.
Impressió en A3.
El mapa tindrà impresa la descripció de controls.
El treball de camp i dibuix del mapa ha estat realitzat per Pep Mayolas i revisat per Eduard Garcia. Actualment es troba en procés d'ampliació per sobrepassar els 80 quilometres quadrats i permetre la possible celebració de proves de 24 hores.
El treball de camp i dibuix del mapa ha estat realitzat per Pep Mayolas i revisat per Eduard Garcia. Actualment es troba en procés d'ampliació per sobrepassar els 80 quilometres quadrats i permetre la possible celebració de proves de 24 hores.
La part més important de l'ampliació s'estrenarà pel rogaine Dia i Nit del 3 de desembre de l'any vinent.
30 controls cursa de 3 hores.
Traçat segons estàndards internacionals. No es podran fer totes la fites però els guanyadors de la prova estaran a prop d'aconseguir-ho.
Traçat complex que obliga a una bona gestió del desnivell. Serà necessari una bona estratègia de carrera que optimitzi les zones a visitar i quines fites deixar de cada àrea en funció de la capacitat física i tècnica dels corredors.
La cursa està pensada perquè tots aquells corredors nous o amb poca experiència pugin gaudir del rogaine. Per altra banda la prova mantindrà els nivells d'exigència més alts per als corredors habituals.
El cronometratge de la cursa es farà amb el sistema Sportident. El xip Sportident caldrà dur-lo lligat al canell durant tota la cursa, amb un precinte facilitat per l’organització. Si un participant trenca el precinte, tot l’equip quedarà desqualificat. El precinte únicament es retirarà per l’organització a l’arribada. Cada membre de l’equip haurà de disposar del seu propi xip Sportident i tots els membres hauran de validar els controls amb una diferència màxima d’un minut.
Per fomentar la promoció es llogaran sense cost targes planes de 20 memòries.
Per corredor:
Per corredor:
o Motxilla.
o Bidó o bossa d’aigua amb un mínim de 1 l . d’aigua
o Menjar i provisions d’emergència
o Sportident
Per equip:
o Farmaciola
o Telèfon mòbil que s’ha donat al formulari de la inscripció.
Popular rogaining competition II Memorial Iñaki Pérez
Rogaining is a kind of orienteering in which participants have to move on foot with the goal of achieving the largest score, crossing through the controls in free order but within a limited time.
Participants are given a map on which the position and score of every control is printed. The score of the controls depends on the technical and/or phisichal difficulty to find them, so not every control has got the same score. The goal is enjoying the mountain freely and, at the same time, achieve the highest score in 3 hours.
There are no marked or fixed routes; each team decides the itinerary and order trough the controls.
There will be 30 controls. Each control will be marked on the terrain with an 30x30cm orieenteering flag with white and orange colors.
ROGAINE POPULAR DE LA FARRA-DURAThis rogaining competition is designed to be on of the multiple adventure events that make up the Farradura multiadventure Raid and, the the same time, achieve two more goals:First, extend the rogaining season for all the catalan rogainers that would like to go on practicing their sport in quality events.Second, offer a quality event close to all local mountain runners that would like to try other modalilities that offer much more freedom than a ribbon-marked itinerary.
CLASSES2 to 5 component teams.
Rogaining is a kind of orienteering in which participants have to move on foot with the goal of achieving the largest score, crossing through the controls in free order but within a limited time.
Participants are given a map on which the position and score of every control is printed. The score of the controls depends on the technical and/or phisichal difficulty to find them, so not every control has got the same score. The goal is enjoying the mountain freely and, at the same time, achieve the highest score in 3 hours.
There are no marked or fixed routes; each team decides the itinerary and order trough the controls.
There will be 30 controls. Each control will be marked on the terrain with an 30x30cm orieenteering flag with white and orange colors.
ROGAINE POPULAR DE LA FARRA-DURAThis rogaining competition is designed to be on of the multiple adventure events that make up the Farradura multiadventure Raid and, the the same time, achieve two more goals:First, extend the rogaining season for all the catalan rogainers that would like to go on practicing their sport in quality events.Second, offer a quality event close to all local mountain runners that would like to try other modalilities that offer much more freedom than a ribbon-marked itinerary.
CLASSES2 to 5 component teams.
Classes:HS,DS,XS will be the only categories (men, women and mixed), open classes with no age limits.There's the possibility of running solo, but out of competition.
RULESOfficial IbeRogaine League and FCOC rogaining rules will be applied.
Saturday november 19th 09:00 Opening of the competition center at the Òrrius sports area.09:30 Opening of the closed park. Maps will be given.10:00 Start of the rogaining competition.13:00 Time limit (finish without penalty)13:30 Prize giving ceremony
By car:
Option 1: Take the C-32 highway, and then take C-60 towards Granollers.
Option 2: Take the AP-7 highway, and then take C-60 towards Mataró.
In both options, leave the highway at 4th exit, which is labeled “Òrrius – Dosrius - Argentona nord”. Follow the C-1415c road towards Argentona. Before arriving to Argentona, turn right to take then take the BV-5106 road to Òrrius.
By air: Òrrius is only 55 km. from Barcelona airport and less than 70 km. from Girona airport.
It has an extensive network of paths and trails and a multitude of details that prove human presence from immemorial time; Iberian villages, caves, monuments, mansions and abandoned farms, castles, chapels, walls, mines, etc. The whole mountain is dotted with large granite blocks that proliferate in some areas of the forest, giving it shape of maze, where block-climbing has found a paradise.
Extended and updated for the event on 2015-2016 winter.
Many details, many more than are common in a map Rogaining.
The map does not show the different penetrability of the vegetation.
Scale 1: 15,000
Equidistance between contour lines: 10 meters.
A3 printing.
Description of controls will be printed on the map.
Set according to international standards. The winners will get most of the controls, but not all of them.
The complex course will require a good management of the slopes. A good race strategy will be needed in order to optimize the areas to visit and decide which controls to leave in each area based on the technical and physical skills of the competitors.
The race is designed so that all the new or inexperienced competitors can also enjoy rogaining. Besides, the event will keep the highest requirement levels for usual runners.
In order to encourage participation, the organization will rent free 20-memory Sportident cards.
Per runner:
Backpack or similar.
Water ( at least 1 l).
Race and emergency food.
Sportident card
Per team:
First aid kit.
Mobile phone.
Sports area at Òrrius (a village 25 km north-east from Barcelona).
Parking: It will be marked at the municipal parquing lot and in the surrounding streets.
Refreshment and food ath the end of the competition.
Monitoring and technical advice during the 30' previous to the start to all teams that ask for it.